13 definitions by Sundog_

The Trap

When a self indulged, narcissistic person makes a statement, that leaves open an obvious question, so that when you ask the obvious question, they can continue talking about themselves. At length. Sometimes in a woe is me way. These people all need a high five. With a shovel.
The Trap, "My neck is soo sore, ugh"
Kate, "Why is your neck so sore...?"

The Trap,"Oh, I was sucking off -insert popular actor- last night, it was crazy!"

The Trap," I can't go back to that bar..."
John," Ugh, ok, I'll bite, 'why can't you go back to that bar?"

"Oh, I was there last week and such and such, and blah blah blah, and dskjfas;lfk"

The Trap, "I am so happy!"

John, "I'm not falling for that shit! Go away!"
by Sundog_ August 22, 2014
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When a specially fugly male/female climaxes. Sounds not unlike a moose giving birth. Or a dying beluga whale. May occur while eating certain fast foods.
"Dude, that heavy I picked up last night? 3 Ogreasms!"

"These fries are gonna make me Ogreasm!"

by Sundog_ October 13, 2014
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The STOP - States The Obvious Person
When someone chimes in on a forum post or facebook discussion, stating the obvious and direct connection to the joke or discussion, usually to show they are smart, making everyone want to murder that person for being so smug and oblivious that everyone got it. In comedy this would also be known as 'hacky'.
John, "Why couldn't Robin Williams just hang in there??"
The Stop, "Robin Williams committed suicide by hanging himself"
Everyone "Ya, WE GOT THAT"

John, "Id like to take her for a spin, haha"
The Stop, "John wants to have sex with her"
John, "ugh, ffs. "
by Sundog_ August 22, 2014
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To stimulate the genital organs of (oneself or another) to achieve sexual pleasure. While eating bacon. Anything bacon really.

Not to be confused with Master Bacon, the star of such hits as "Tremors", "Apallo 13", and "The gift"
"Dude, I was caught last night..."

'Caught doing what?'

"Ugh, masturbacon!"

'WTF! Wait, was it regular or thick cut??'

"Thick cut, maple smoked"

by Sundog_ September 1, 2014
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1. A super strain of herpes, also known as dick zits. Truly terrible.

Fort McMurray
"I think that medic I slept with in Fort Mac gave me Serpes!"

"My dick has broken out like a prepubescent boy after pizza night. I must have Serpes"
by Sundog_ January 30, 2014
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noun \swassˈī-kəl\

A hanging piece of ice formed when ass sweat drips down from something.
(such as a your ass)
"I've been walking for so long in the cold that my butt has swassicles"
by Sundog_ November 16, 2013
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