21 definitions by Stan West

1) A terrorist's car.
2) A car for people who can't quite afford a real yuppie car.
3) A car for people who think that they deserve more than what they have, but can't quite justify it. i.e: lower to middle level managers who got their jobs to keep them away from important processes & relationships that they tend to destroy.
1) Ahmed wired the semtex to the underside of his Saab before driving into the train station.
2) But daddy, I really wanted a beamer! All my friends have beamers, and we were going to make a beamer circle around the mall. I might as well be driving mom's volvo, except for the dents and dried blood from all the people she's hit.
3) Yesterday I told bill that he's have to start coming in late occasionally because my quarterly report has space for things that need improvement and I can't think of anything to put there. So, I told him to buy a Saab.
by Stan West July 9, 2005
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A person, usually picked by the boss to ride herd over an otherwise productive team and tattle on any members that aren't chanting the party line and ready to slit their own throats for diversity.
They are champions of the "we" concept because they are too stupid to have any thoughts or vision on their own.
They follow management edicts to the letter no matter how stupid. They avoid confrontation and are quick to agree with anyone, but only to their face, they always rat you out to upper management.
In the dictionary under dim-witted user it says: "see them".
willis agreed with John when he told her the new management plan was never going to work, and outlined the problems. Later we found she was named microsoft team moron for ratting him out to upper management and getting him demoted, now no one on the team will discuss anything with her so she's recruited spies withing the team.
by Stan West April 21, 2005
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An Indian immagrant to the US that thinks they deserve the best.
Koushick is a roshnai, he deserves the Camry
by Stan West September 20, 2003
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A very Gay and annoying asian person who clears his throat a lot while trying to get you to do his work for him then complains to management that you aren't doing your job.
That Qui was over here shopping out his work again, we'll be in meetings with HR at the start of the week.
by Stan West August 20, 2004
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A non-immigrant or guest worker visa used by hadjis to come to the United States so they can steal technical jobs from American workers while simultaneously acting arrogant and superior.
Corporate managers love them, even though they can't understand what they say. They BS their way through technical interviews, acting angry and self-righteous when confronted.
Prash got a large corporate sponsor for his h1b application, now he can come to the U.S. and have managers drool and clients get angry because neither can understand him. But he must know what he's talking about, after all, he's a hadji!
by Stan West November 7, 2004
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Likes to be called "emmy". An amazingly stupid person who tries to work in a technical field.
Ass-imo's try to get by on looks or sexual favors in return for others doing their job.
A mean person to those who can't help them, obsequious and overly kind to those who they think can.
Emmy was pissed because the client expected her to solve the problem. She screamed as she slammed down the phone: idiot, idiot, idiot; e-d-i-o-t!
by Stan West March 22, 2005
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Contract workers hired for a technical position typically when a company is in the midst of downsizing or off-shoring its labor force. Called dash trash since to distinguish them from regular employees they are given an extra letter and a dash in front of their e-mail name.
t-puja just hung up on a customer, but what can you expect, she's just dash trash.
by Stan West October 2, 2004
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