Those strangers that let me stay at their house overnight while my car was being repaired sure showed a lot of southern hospitality.
by DWW August 7, 2003
by Stauder April 19, 2009
getting dome or head
by Anonymous April 3, 2003
by antwan duncan September 1, 2003
Southern Hospitality is a family, or individual helping another, just because its the right thing to do. People call it Southern Hospitality because people from the South are known to be nice folks. If someone comes knocking on the door needing food, or a place to stay for the night, most people down here will gladly help.
random person knocking on the door- Hello Ma'am, im in terrible need of some food, do you think you've got a little to spare?
Woman-Yes sir, just come on in and ill fix you up a plate!
random person-Thank you for your Southern Hospitality ma'am
Woman-Yes sir, just come on in and ill fix you up a plate!
random person-Thank you for your Southern Hospitality ma'am
by southern belle. August 16, 2009
to invite one into your home, learn all you can about that person, then try your hardest to destroy that person because you're so unhappy with yourself and your own life that it's all you can do to make yourself momentarily happy.
Woman: You should come over to our house after service for some good old fashioned southern hospitality!
Young couple: We'd love to!
Woman later: She had a child out of wedlock and he's Asian! Tisk tisk, what has this town come to...
Young couple: We'd love to!
Woman later: She had a child out of wedlock and he's Asian! Tisk tisk, what has this town come to...
by anonymous987357 December 6, 2011
My mom taught me to never tell my friends who I’ve done the dirty with. It’s simple southern hospitality.
by Countrybumpkin69420 January 16, 2020