27 definitions by Smythe


To put out, to deny.
You just snuffed that dude!!
You got snuffed..
I am going to snuff you
by Smythe February 28, 2003
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Aussie Rules

The best sport in the world - combines skill with strength, not just one or the other. Shits all over American football and to some extent, soccer where pussy footing about is considered a talent. Best players: Chris Judd, Ben Cousins and some other boof heads from other clubs ;o)
AFL 4eva!
"Who's gonna win the Aussie Rules Grand Final this year?"
"The Eagles"
"Who's gonna get the Brownlow?"
"Cuz... so hot right now..."
by Smythe July 31, 2005
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Penny whistles

Whistles... made from pennies... or so the fable goes anyhoo. Are often sold in ice cube trays and are plentiful wherever you find Ghetto Moon Pies. Delicious with Pina Coladas.
by Smythe October 25, 2004
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A good-for-nothing, snoopy, suspicious, over-protective, whinging, whining, do-good of a mother. Likes to cook casseroles and cheesecakes. Won't allow Froot Loops in the home.
Ya mum's such a frikken pilare. wish she'd lighten up a bit.
by Smythe November 1, 2003
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as in the coin....sacajawiah coin... also used when going through drive throughs
do u have any SACAJAWIAHHHHHHHHHH coins!!?
by Smythe February 28, 2003
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Someone who is normal, plain, boring.
You and all your friends are such norms
stupid norm leave me be
by Smythe February 28, 2003
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Monacle Man

Basically an old fashioned version of a pimp. Likes to wear monacles, bow ties and pocket watches. Fave item: top hat. Is ruffled.
That monacle man is a sleazy old pervert with a cane. Bet he lives in a castle with his trained waiter-duck.
by Smythe November 1, 2003
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