Everyone who is not willing to:
Think for, or be themselves.
Deriving from the word ‘Normal’
While normal has traditionally been considered to be a good thing to be; traditionally people have also clearly been fucktards; just look around you, we have fucked the planet that we live on, not real bright eh!!
Norms are everywhere
You don’t have to ‘dare to be different’; if you do that you are just another norm
Be whoever you are (unless you are a Bogan; way too many Bogans out there already)
Stand up for what you believe in
Dress how you want to dress
Listen to the music that you like
Don’t follow or make trends
Give a fuck by not giving a fuck
Express yourself (no, not like Madonna; like you!!)
Tuesday 06/01/2009
You don’t have to ‘dare to be different’; if you do that you are just another norm
Be whoever you are (unless you are a Bogan; way too many Bogans out there already)
Stand up for what you believe in
Dress how you want to dress
Listen to the music that you like
Don’t follow or make trends
Give a fuck by not giving a fuck
Express yourself (no, not like Madonna; like you!!)
Tuesday 06/01/2009
by Luke Warm January 6, 2009
when a group of people are discussing the behaviour of someone or something they are sharing their values and thoughts
by lucie jane September 21, 2003
man i went on a date and normed the shit outta this girl i was pissed
i just keep gettin stuck in the norm zone
i just keep gettin stuck in the norm zone
by *npg August 14, 2010
It's a norm! Get the norm!
by ned winklebeam April 15, 2010
by Hêαthe® November 15, 2005
a popular term using in the 1800 for stuffing a fat pig, when one norms it they take home a fat girl and refuse to believe the chick is really fat. They will fight you till the end to ensure that perhaps your eyes have failed you and the chick is really thin.
by Dark Danny Brown February 13, 2007