15 definitions by Sabertooth nigga

something tacky
something ugly
big and boorish
Her brass earings were so fucking gawdy, where did she get them annual the trailer park flea market?
by Sabertooth nigga December 1, 2004
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a male with a pathetic "bowl" hair cut, bushy hair, a big head

a woman with a bushy vagina
"Tommy got jipped with a fucking muffin"
by Sabertooth nigga December 1, 2004
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wet pussy sounds

a woman with a large vagina

a gesturing motion with the hands describing something wet
Joe fucked this chick the other night her pussy was like ska sqwash sqwash
by Sabertooth nigga December 1, 2004
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a version of fuck- without having to swear
by Sabertooth nigga December 1, 2004
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1. an amusing take on word of hilarious

(usually used when referring to a woman)

2. a man who is "holarious"- he is crazy about women
did you see what that bitch did? it was fucking holarious!
by Sabertooth nigga December 1, 2004
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Someone with terrible athletes foot

toe cheese

In the vietnam war soldiers would get jungle rot from not changing their socks after walking through wet marshes.
His jungle rot had gotten so bad his feet had to be amputated
by Sabertooth nigga December 1, 2004
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