43 definitions by Russell Clark

According to a legendary retelling (of doubtful origin). As alleged in a likely heavily embellished story.
During the battle of Iwo Jima, his grandfather allegendly charged two enemy machine gun nests and single-handedly destroyed them using his flame-thrower.
by Russell Clark November 10, 2005
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Primarily the Bambi Effect designates the emotional trauma, usually mild and transitory experienced by hunters and trappers when viewing close up a dead or dying and suffering neotenous, i.e., "cute and adorable" animal for whose death and suffering they suddenly acknowledge some responsibility.

Guilt experienced by a hunter as he suddenly identifies with the suffering of an animal which he has killed. The name is a reference to the classic Disney film, Bambi, in which the tragic climax to the story is reached as the protagonist's (Bambi's) mother is killed by hunters.

Secondarily the effect pertains to the reaction of witnesses to scenes of the brutal killing of said neotenous animals, e.g., harp seal pups clubbed by Canadian hunters.
The black limpid pools for eyes of small, helpless harp seal pups connote childlike innocence, and it was the oft repeated images in the mass media of the clubbing of seal pups that caused an outcry in the 1970's to protect the pups from Canadian hunters. Strangely, the continual slaughter of bonobo apes, who are genetically closest to humans or of West African elephants, orders of magnitude more intelligent and consciously aware than any seal pup, never provoked nearly the same amount of public concern and outrage against animal cruelty. This seeming ethical inconsistency is no doubt owing to the differential operation of the Bambi Effect upon witnesses to images of human-caused animal suffering.
by Russell Clark January 1, 2007
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The characteristic of possessing talents, abilities and knowledge distributed so as to be exceptional in some areas, poor in others and mediocre in none.
George was the least well-rounded person you could imagine - a real study in extremiocrity!
by Russell Clark May 2, 2006
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Unbelievably fucking ugly
He was too drunk to realize she was unbefugly
by Russell Clark April 21, 2003
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Usually a dental assistant who marries the dentist she assists in the hope of gaining more ready and constant access to . . . no, not nitrous oxide, but said dentist's financial assets. In return, the assistant covers for and tries her best to enable the dentist's own nitrous oxide addiction. She does this by participating fully in the addiction with him. Also known as a nitrous whore.
Pure nitrous oxide addiction is very rare among health care professionals, being the rarest among the drugs abuse by this group. When addiction does develop, however, it is most commonly part of a poly-drug abuse pattern and is usually the minor component of the addiction as in the case of the "bulb bride" wannabe, who plays up her mild addiction to the NO supply while becoming even more addicted to the credit cards, banking and investment accounts of her nitrous-huffing boss. Bulb brides habitually enter the office on weekends to find their husbands dead asleep in dental operatory chairs with nitrous masks still strapped on and have been known to turn up the nitrous flow to lethal levels, though only after learning the whereabouts and acquiring safe access to their husbands' not inconsiderable financial assets.
by Russell Clark December 3, 2006
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A lower middle or working class inhabitant of a rural town or area in the Bible Belt who has adopted the necrophilous fashions and folkways of spiritually troubled affluent youth.
"So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to their" Gothneck clothes and Halloween makeup or antipathy to people who aren’t covered with tattoos and body-piercings like them or anti-vanilla sentiment or anti-square sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
by Russell Clark November 9, 2008
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A naive though usually amiable person who always tailors his or her opinions, tastes or behavior to suit the prevailing social group of the moment. A person whose social tendencies range from chameleon-like approval seeker to unwittingly disingenous. A person with a weak or poorly defined sense of self.
The youngest of the mayorial candidates was a real hedgling, seeming not to realize he had changed his stand on the issues after each interview.
by Russell Clark May 2, 2006
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