30 definitions by Russell

Durinig sex, the sperm that dribbles out of the penis long before an orgasm. It's the main reason why "pulling out" is not an effective substitute for condoms.
1. Bill pulled out before he had an orgasm, but he still got Jane pregnant from his glint.
by Russell July 11, 2004
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John never uses his turn signal because he's an ijit
by Russell July 13, 2004
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A member of the opposite sex who seems attractive at long and medium range, but turns into a hideous parody of humanity once eye contact has been established.
"I thought that bird was a right looker, so I flash her a smile. Thought I was well in till she got really close - what a two bagger, "
by Russell November 13, 2003
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Saboteur could save himself some imbarrisment if he just didn't connect to the net.
by Russell March 14, 2005
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completely and utterly sweet. encompasses the full meaning as well as spirituality of awesomeness. preferably expressed with a southern accent.
Wow, now that there automobile, that is grouse.
by Russell May 15, 2003
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