83 definitions by Robin

someone who muches on a cunt while trying to surf in their shit filled bog
a cunt munching shit surfer? now i've seen everything!
by Robin February 6, 2005
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similar to shagmaster, meaning exactly the same thing, but this is a term you would use to describe yourself..
I am a Shagmeister,
I am The Shagmeister.
you would not use this term to describe anybody else, you use it to big up yourself and be cool.
by Robin January 5, 2005
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A plea to all you half wit frog bashers to save my poodle on christmas day from his usual kiddy fondling antics around the christmas tree of yorkshire pudding.
Robin: Where's your head at? WHERE'S YOUR HEAD AT?
MG: I am the only gay in the village
Rover: save me
by Robin February 6, 2005
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Two people, either of the opposite sex or same sex, touching each others penis/vagina for pleasure and/or orgasm.
As I lay next to my girlfriend she used her hand to rub my hard cock, while I slipped my fingers into her hot tight pussy.
by Robin May 17, 2005
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Habbo hotel is for little gay little 10 year olds with no friends to pretend they have a social life with their pretend little person
Habbo: Will you be my friend
Habbo1: Ok then
Habbo: My name is gertrude, my favourite sport is cricket and my favourite thing in the whole wide world is habbo hotel!
Habbo1: ME TOO!
by Robin January 3, 2005
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The time at which an actor or crew member must be at the theater and ready to work. The crew usually has an earlier call time than the actors. It is sometimes referred to simply as "call." See also: fight call.
"My call time is 6:00, but the actors don't have to be at the theater until 6:30."

"When's your call tonight?"
by Robin February 26, 2005
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Unable to pacify.
Unable to appease.
My enemy is implacable
by Robin December 5, 2004
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