24 definitions by Punkhead

When a single program, or Windows grenades, press these in combination to send it to hell!
"BSOD! FUCK...I'm pressin' CTRl+ALT+DEL, and calling that moron in India for help! Damn foreign outsourcing! Damn Compaq p.o.s.
by Punkhead May 25, 2005
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A good way to kill 3 minutes.
"I've got 3 minutes babe let's boff."
by Punkhead May 25, 2005
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A shot in the game of pool in which the ball hit travels from one end of the table straight down the side rail to a the other end, in hopes of getting in a corner pocket.
Pool shark: "Ha ha you missed your bank, you owe me $50.!"
Guy: "I got your $50 pal, on the other side of my stick!"
by Punkhead May 25, 2005
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The van or vehicle in which any pornographic website picks up chicks off the streets to do them an catch it on tape for the viewers.
Joe: "Dude did you see the last update of www.collegefucktour.com?"
Dan: "No, why?"
Joe: "They got a real sweety in the fuck truck this time!"
Dan: "Put your dick back in your pants when you talk to me!!! Sick s.o.b!"
by Punkhead May 26, 2005
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Another name for a group of lesbians having a "circle" party while in a van.
" I saw the football team's cheerleaders haveing a fuck truck in the parking lot!"
by Punkhead May 26, 2005
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A computer so low in quality, the only computers lower than it are Apple Computers.
Steve: "Dude, you'r gettin' a Dell!"

John: "Ya, but it's got to be better than this fucking Compaq. By the way, are you high?"
by Punkhead May 25, 2005
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