24 definitions by Punkhead


A shot in the game of pool in which the ball hit travels from one end of the table straight down the side rail to a the other end, in hopes of getting in a corner pocket.
Pool shark: "Ha ha you missed your bank, you owe me $50.!"
Guy: "I got your $50 pal, on the other side of my stick!"
by Punkhead May 25, 2005
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A good way to kill 3 minutes.
"I've got 3 minutes babe let's boff."
by Punkhead May 25, 2005
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The O.C

A good show to watch....when your drunk, bored, high, or suicidal.
"The O.C again? That's it time to swallow something for amusement."
by Punkhead May 25, 2005
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crop duster

To lay a silent fart down the aisle of a grocery store when someone is toward you...and listen to them gag.

see click and drag
son: "Dad why is that guy choking and hacking like that?"
Dad: "Cause daddy just laid a crop duster."
son: "OMG he's turning blue!"
by Punkhead May 25, 2005
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Performing the act of beating the living hell out of someone in an angry fashion.
"Yo I'm about to go primo on your bitch ass!"
by Punkhead May 26, 2005
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A computer so low in quality, the only computers lower than it are Apple Computers.
Steve: "Dude, you'r gettin' a Dell!"

John: "Ya, but it's got to be better than this fucking Compaq. By the way, are you high?"
by Punkhead May 25, 2005
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1. These keys will exit a program instead of using the exit icons.
2. A fun way to get rid of noobs in multiplayer games and chat rooms.
Halo guy 1: "Hey how do you change grenades?"
Halo guy 2: "ALt+F4."
Halo guy 1: diconnected
Halo guy 2: "HAHA stupid noob!"
Halo guy 1: re-enter: "Hey that's not funny dickhead!"
Halo guy 2: "STFU stupid Noob!"
by Punkhead May 25, 2005
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