39 definitions by Pierced69

Someone who was a pedophile victim as a child but who did not carry on the pedophile way of life for one reason or another. As an example, a female who chose not to bear children fearing they would be abused or a male who refused to have sex with his mother or younger female siblings. As an adult this person is brainwashed and threatened into continued silence about their childhood abuse. They are also used in an effort to gain control of non-pedophiles through sexual encounters and subsequent threat of pedophile association. They become what some call Pedophile Supporters, or the Pedophile Army, which protect pedophiles. Since they are viewed as property their owners control who they have sex with, even as adults. Many are traded amongst pedophiles in an underground network of human trafficking that encompasses not only physical sex, but cerebral sex whereby one experiences sex with another via thought/fantasying.
Unbeknownst to me, the woman I fell in love with may be Pedophile Property and I vow to rescue her.
by Pierced69 October 16, 2021
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A grip so tight on the shaft of your penis when masturbating that your palm print now includes the vein structure of your shaft embedded on the palm of your hand. So much so that a palm reader might try reading a vein as opposed to an actual line on your palm.
Man that kung Fu Grip really threw off that palm reader.
by Pierced69 August 5, 2022
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The "Second Coming" is the primary target of a gangstalking/social engineering effort. Typically an enemy target of a community, state or federal government sponsored gangstalking group or syndicate.
I am the Senior Chief, formally the "second coming" but now known as the "Chosen One". Kenny was the previous "Second Coming".
by Pierced69 August 4, 2022
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The yellowish, oily discharge a young Yellard woman let's loose when having sex for the first time. Much like the cherry, when the yoke is popped it is a right of passage.
Word on the street is Bart popped Lisa's yoke but I don't believe it because Homer was the one smiling ear to ear.
by Pierced69 December 25, 2021
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The transfer or projection of thoughts, moods, feelings, pain and pleasure via the human brain by use of psychoenergetics or "the energy of the mind". Synonymous with projection of the same human abstracts. A vital part of transhumanism without which the human mind could never achieve anything beyond the third dimension.
Through transferance I was able to experience how it felt to be a butterfly or a blade of grass with a cool breeze blowing over it after a fresh cut. Amazing!
by Pierced69 August 9, 2022
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A gynecologist who enters the exam room with a blow pop in his mouth, puts you in the stirrups and performs the exam. He/she then removes the blow pop and inserts it in your vagina to allow him to write his/her notes before removing it to continue enjoying his/her sucker.
My gynefavorologist always appreciates a bag of blow pops at Christmas!
by Pierced69 August 4, 2022
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When you tighten your cock strap too tight and your nuts pop out like Marty Feldman's eyes.
My wife went Marty Feldman on me last night.
by Pierced69 November 19, 2019
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