The older skinheads gave the fresh cut a real good hazing. They poured beer all over him, and scuffed up his boots.
by Sluggo Skin October 8, 2006
A skinhead who, regardless of political affiliation, has not earned their laces, braces, or whatever needed to gain notoriety in their crew.
by alcore June 10, 2008
You got a fresh cut, didn't you? Ok, lemme see it from the side, okkkkkk. From the front, ohhhh. From the back, dammnnnnn, that look good cuz,(looks at ass) that looks GOOOD (slaps ass) !
by tackofall March 16, 2020
AKA Shape Up, Line Up. Its that joint that u get at the barber shop. The forhead line strait, the sides be even n the sideburns thinned out to a strait line. Ho's lovin it. Make u look fresh. cant no one take u seriously with some long ass untamed herr, so ya afro niggaz betta cornrow it up ya herd me.
by ClapUpYaBrain September 11, 2005
by Blownaparte August 9, 2014
by tall produce March 10, 2020