189 definitions by Phil

irish gypsies who will steal anything and are mostly violent
"i fockin' 'ate pikeys" -from snatch
by Phil April 21, 2003
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The tiny occasional ring in someone's head that occurs for no apparent reason. Kinda like a long, high pitched beep.

Brain + ring
Aw, man i wasnt payin attention, I had a brang.
by Phil November 8, 2004
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a nice and loving guy.. mostly with the name of phil..
by Phil July 22, 2003
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a. to love to be around men
civilians actually control the military in the united states. so why doesn't the civilians end war by fighting?
by Phil January 27, 2005
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A game played by Aaron as a kid. Sometime referred to as Mono-Poly.
Doug says my son wanted to play Mono - Poly. He then said it was a production day.
by Phil March 16, 2005
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stu is all pale!!!
hes all pale like a piece of yeti poo! paler than poo, which is actually brown, but for this pioint its all white! like someone who never leaves the house, cos hes afraid of the BBC!!! (Bilton Blazing Crew) for all you dumb people!
Salva is all stu like
by Phil January 17, 2005
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