196 definitions by Peter

When you eat out a girl while she's on her period.
Susan was on her rag, so I ended up giving her a raspberry swirl.
by Peter September 24, 2003
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an insult; one who can only hope of being in the special olympics.
Matt's another special olympics hopeful.
by Peter April 16, 2004
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A fucking splendid hardcore punk band out of the the Chicago suburbs.

Originally called the 'Target Rats', they decided to change their name and asked the crowd at a show for ideas; STD Grab Bag was the one they went with, and have remained since.
ME: Hey Jesus, let's go to the STD Grab Bag show!

JESUS: Fuck yeah!
by Peter December 14, 2004
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(verb): To walk on a health club's treadmill for a prolonged period in an attempt at losing weight. Less commonly it can refer to running on the treadmill or using an elliptical trainer. In most instances, a treadmill workout qualifies as hamstering if done at such a leisurely pace that one is unlikely to lose much weight or derive significant cardiovascular benefits.
Now that summer's approaching, your typical cardio bunny will hamster away in the gym, in the hope that she'll look good at the beach.
by Peter May 17, 2006
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A state-supported university in the United States whose name includes a compass direction, e.g. "North state name State University." Many directional universities started out as teachers' colleges, broadening their educational missions in the 1950's or 1960's. In most instances a directional university has easier admissions standards than its state's flagship university ("The University of state name") and serves a greater proportion of commuter/part-time/older students.

California does not have directional universities. As an equivalent, it has universities with the word "State" in their names.

Job hunting with a degree from a directional university is mighty tough.
by Peter December 8, 2006
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(1)exclamatory term used when one person tricks, fools, pwns, or does something to someone without their consent; (2)this can also be said about doing something to the community at large instead of directed towards one person

** "gotems" is generally always accompanied by jovial laughter
(1) your friend passes out on the couch and you shave his eyebrows. whe he wakes up he's like "what the fuck?!" and you say "Hahaha.... Gotems!"

(2) you destroy half a city block using sledgehammers and dynomite. As you drive away happily, you say "Gotems!"

** preferred term of mockery by the class of 04 from Winter Springs High School...woot
by Peter December 2, 2004
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Horrible band. Almost as bad as Simple PLan. They whine and whine like little girls and they have a 4 year old's voice.. They are a fucking discrace to rock music. How can man create such a pain to the ears. There a band only posing punks would like and have no musical talent. They have a shitty vocalist with a talentless guitarist and drummer. If you seriously like them, you are either tone deaf or musically challenged and need serious help, or your just trying to fit in with the "punks" at school but are normally a stuck up prep.

me: no get a life you tone-deaf shit..AC/DC is awesome, Led Zeppelin is awesome, Guns'N'Roses is awesome, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Ramones, The Band, Metallica, Nirvana, Sublime, Iron Maiden, they are fucking awesome.
by Peter March 30, 2005
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