8 definitions by Person1582962


Trans-lunar-injection. A manoeuvre used to put a spacecraft on a trajectory to the moon.
The Apollo 8 TLI was spectacularly observed from the Hawaiian Islands in the pre-dawn sky south of Waikiki.
by Person1582962 October 29, 2022
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demonetization speak

The way youtubers will typically censor themselves by avoiding swear words and certain topics to an absurd degree in order to not get demonetized because of YouTube's harsh system.
Guy: I hate it when youtubers use that demonetization speak instead of just saying it how it is!
by Person1582962 June 7, 2020
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Kessler syndrome

Kessler syndrome is what you get when you put so much crap into low earth orbit that one collision between two satellites starts a chain reaction of space junk creation that makes it impossible to keep anything in space without it being destroyed.
Person: I want to put my satellite in orbit of earth but can't because of Kessler syndrome!
by Person1582962 June 17, 2022
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The worst possible thing a woman can say to a guy.
Guy: ...
Woman: ew
Guy: *shoots himself
by Person1582962 November 9, 2021
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arch user

Someone who uses arch linux.

You can typically recognize them by their profound lack of social skills and overpowering need to tell anyone and everyone about how they use arch and how great it is. They typically think of themselves as intellectually superior and consider anyone who doesn't use arch a low IQ mongoloid, despite the fact that installing and using arch is no more difficult than assembling ikea furniture.

However, it is unlikely that you'll ever need to distinguish an arch user since as stated above they'll have told you long before you even thought about them being one.

Lastly, telling them that arch isn't mankinds greatest achievement will cause them to contort and eventually spontaneously combust.
People: *just having a normal conversatio
Arch user: (from a distance) I USE ARCH BTW!
Guy 1 to Guy 2: Did you hear that? I think it's coming closer.

Guy 2: I can hear it now. We should go. It's an arch user.
by Person1582962 January 7, 2021
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Kerbal space program 2

Bet y‘all feel real silly right about now.
When Take-2 closed intercept games Kerbal space program 2 died it marked the end of a game that was doomed from the start, if certain anonymous devs are to be believed.
by Person1582962 June 7, 2024
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The LMAE failed to light and now we're stuck on the moon.
by Person1582962 July 24, 2022
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