51 definitions by PandaGirl xox

The "at" symbol.
by PandaGirl xox May 30, 2016
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To buy something already promised to some one else.
Person 1: I'll take that off you for 50 bucks.
Person 2: Sure, but I gotto warn you, you're gonna gazump! It was promised for Selena!
by PandaGirl xox May 30, 2016
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Person 1: My local bat is such troglodyte!
Person 2: Huh?
by PandaGirl xox May 30, 2016
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Person 1: Rebekah is so ornery!
Person 2: Yah! I know right!
by PandaGirl xox May 30, 2016
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Some one who thinks themselves high and mighty.
Person 1: Toby is such a panjandrum!
Person 2: Seriously
Toby: Hey! I'm right here!
Person 1: Yup. I know.
by PandaGirl xox May 30, 2016
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To cuddle or kiss.
Person 1: How was your canoodle?
Person 2: It was amazing. It went on for ages!
by PandaGirl xox May 30, 2016
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Discomfort of eating and/or drinking too much.
Person 1: I am totally suffering from crapulence right now..
Person 2: Go to the bathroom or relax or something.
by PandaGirl xox May 30, 2016
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