37 definitions by P'tainz

1. (n.) A clown who has generally failed at his craft; a clown who finds it difficult to get laughs from an audience or who can no longer adequately perform his standard tricks, such as juggling, dancin', harpin' the rug, or stountin' the tarn.

2. (n.) A floundering can that commonly rests on a lamp or lamp shade.
1. That lamp kloon really sucked, and so I gave him a good kick to the nuts.

2. There's a lamp kloon.
by P'tainz January 28, 2013
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1. The imaginary or symbolic sound made when poking a person's stomach, especially that of a chubby or overweight person. Derived from the Michelin Man (past mascot for Michelin Tires) being poked by a finger to his mid-section in television commercials.

2. A free-form exclamatory term with no precise meaning, often an emphatic utterance used to show excitement, incredulity, joy, and even disgust.
2. When I looked back to my brother, floating on the intertube some distance behind on the river, he raised his hand and yelled "Wount!" and I knew he was having a great time.
by P'tainz October 6, 2010
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(exc.) a partly dialectical derivative of "wount" which is also partly derivative in meaning; as with "wount," it has no precise or definable meaning but normally is used as an exclamatory remark to express a variety of emotions; different from "wount," however, which traditionally is used to symbolize the poking of one's gut, "pount pount" is most frequently used as a greeting among friends, often spoken as one hand makes a general, sometimes indistinguishable up-down movement nearly behind but just to the right or left (depending on which hand is used) of the speaker's head as the other hand is vaguely held forward in either a general and lazy pointing fashion or in a vague hand-shaking type of posture; suitable to be spoken in either an energetic and happy tone or a deadpan, expressionless fashion
It had been a long time since they had seen each other, yet as Roof crossed the terminal, Swain approached him and with an expressionless face said, "Pount pount."

Bainz, certain that he heard footsteps, turned around and found Byrne, whose right hand was just to the left of his own head, the other extended, saying "Pount pount!"
by P'tainz February 12, 2013
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(Ger., Aus.) (slang) A term originating in late 20th-century Germany, though now more commonly used in predominantly English-speaking nations, esp. England, Ireland, and the United States, used in name-calling to indicate a person who is considered dumb or unintelligent and who is known to steal. A slang term for a stupid or dumb thief.
"Ah, ol' Ferguson is such a klount broon. The bastard's gonna get caught one o' these days. Hey--by the way, Tim, did Brenda suck your cock?"
by P'tainz February 6, 2014
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(Ger., Aus.) (slang) A term originating in late 20th-century Germany, though now more commonly used in predominantly English-speaking nations, esp. England, Ireland, and the United States, used in name-calling to indicate a person who is considered dumb or unintelligent and who is known to steal. A slang term for a stupid or dumb thief.
"Ah, ol' Ferguson is such a klount broon. The bastard's gonna get caught one o' these days. Hey--by the way, Tim, did Brenda suck your cock?"
by P'tainz February 6, 2014
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(Ger., Aus.) (slang) A term originating in late 20th-century Germany, though now more commonly used in predominantly English-speaking nations, esp. England, Ireland, and the United States, used in name-calling to indicate a person who is considered dumb or unintelligent and who is known to steal. A slang term for a stupid or dumb thief.
"Ah, ol' Ferguson is such a klount broon. The bastard's gonna get caught one o' these days. Hey--by the way, Tim, did Brenda suck your cock?"
by P'tainz February 6, 2014
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Penis; though the term can be used in any fashion when referring to a human penis, it is most commonly used to describe an act of fellatio.
by P'tainz October 6, 2010
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