255 definitions by OneBadAsp

To 'get with it' means to understand, to comprehend something or someone.
I really wish you would get with it, dude.
by OneBadAsp October 23, 2006
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The single worst president of the United States of America.

If Lincoln were alive today, he’d be tried and executed as a war criminal. But in war the victors always write the history and are never punished for war crimes, no matter how heinous. Only the defeated suffer that fate. He didn’t save our nation, he damn neared destroyed it by launching a war of aggression against the South and setting terrible precedents about how the federal government is run.

Often portrayed as the archetypical abolitionist, he was nothing of the sort. Like many during his time Lincoln viewed Blacks inferior and was very much against them migrating to the North. The Emancipation Proclamation freed no one since it specifically exempted all areas occupied by Union. It was nothing more than a political ploy used at the time to bolster elections.

Much of the things Lincoln did during his time in office have had lasting effects. He is the president who started the federal income tax, the draft, centralized banking, centralized federal government, suspension of constitutional liberties, declaring martial law, invading and starting a war without the consent of Congress, the first to use executive orders, imprisoning without trail thousands of Northern anti-war protesters, censoring all newspapers and communication, confiscating private property, confiscating firearms in the North, use of military tribunals to have mock trails and execute prisoners, hiring foreign mercenaries to wage war on American soil against Americans, and perhaps worst of all, intentional targeting of defenseless civilians in the South.

The War was not over slavery, unless you’re referring to Americans being slaves to the Federal government. Also to say it was fought over state’s rights is an over simplification. They did not want to be ruled by a warmongering tyrant such as Lincoln who had no regard for the Constitution. The Southern states were exercising their constitutional right to secede from the Union. The 10th Amendment of the Constition states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Lincoln was a dicator who had no intention of allowing any state to have any power, only the Federal government. People often do not realize just how much Lincoln changed the US government into the monster it is today.

Lincoln is also the only president in history to have ordered a mass execution and the largest one in US history at that. (Hint: It didn't take place in the South.)
In a speech given in 1858 during the Lincoln-Douglass debates, Abraham Lincoln stated: "I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races (*the crowd applauds*) – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people, and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the black and white races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race…I am not in favor of Negro citizenship."
by OneBadAsp November 3, 2006
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1. A tropical or sub-tropical bird from the order of Psittaciformes which is comprised of some 315 species. Parrots are known for their usually bright colored plumage, large heads, short hooked bill, blunt tongues, strong feet (two in the front and two in the back), and talking and mimicking ability. They are arboreal and eat seeds and fruit. Many are kept as pets and some are endangered and threatened with extinction. Most are very intelligent creatures and contrary to the meaning of parrot as applied to humans below, parrots don't necessarily repeat words mindlessly. It has been shown in research that parrots have the ability to use words to identify objects, describe them, count them and answer questions.

2. To imitate someone. To mimic or repeat their actions or sayings without thinking.
Alex the Grey is a very smart Parrot because he knows how to count.
by OneBadAsp October 15, 2006
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1. A feeling of dignity, self-respect; satisfaction in your achievements, possessions, or people you care about. A good thing to have.

2. Sometimes used to mean arrogant haughtiness and having excessively high opinion of yourself... which is actually narcissism, not pride.

3. A group of lions.
1. John has much pride in his country because he served in the USA army.

2. John has too much pride in his religious beliefs and tries to force them on others.

3. John nearly got eaten by a pride of lions!
by OneBadAsp November 5, 2006
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1. Very high proof Moonshine. Borders on being 200 proof; it's pure grain alcohol and is illegal. White Lightning is the subject of a hit George Jones song.

2. White Lightning is also a term for LSD.
1. "Well I asked my old pappy why he called his brew,
White lightning 'stead of mountain dew,
I took a little sip and right away I knew,
As my eyes bugged out and my face turned blue!
Lightnin' started flashin' and thunder started crashin'
Shhhoooh . . . white lightning!" -George Jones

2. Suzy was tripping on White Lighting.
by OneBadAsp October 21, 2006
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1. A brand of vehicles made by Toyota targeted towards the younger generation. The reason Toyota chose this name for there new line of vehicles has to do with my definition #2 and #3 below, Scion is supposed to be an heir to the throne of Toyota and is a descendant of previous brands and models produced by Toyota.

2. An descendent and/or heir to the throne.

3. A scion is a detached shoot or twing containing buds from a woody plant used in grafting plants in order to propagate.

4. A device of untold power in the video game Tomb Raider.
1. Jenny purchased a new Scion last week.
2. Louie is a scion to the throne
3. Scion is a term used in grafting.
4. The Atlantean Scion is capable of "powers beyond the creator himself".
by OneBadAsp October 28, 2006
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A cultural trend where it is 'cool' to claim to be a bisexual even if you are not just so you can get attention. Much more common in women than in men. It is often done to get a rise out of people.

Please note though that not everyone who claims to be bisexual is saying it for attention; there are real bisexuals out there.
Britney Spears and Madonna kissing on MTV is a good example of Bisexual chic.
by OneBadAsp October 21, 2006
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