"The Gods". The highest of the divine clans in Asatru and Norse Mythology; primarily, though not solely, deities of valor and protection.
Odin is the ruler of the Aesir.
by OneBadAsp October 20, 2006
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Aesir/AesirGodz, Chad, absolute legend, definitely non- scalie, pro gamer, and your superior (I'm talking to YOU mika)
Guy 1: bruh look at this scalie weirdo with a dumbass lizard head taped on a cheap tuxedo
Guy 2: what the FUCK dude that's Aesir from AesirGodz
by Aesirsaurus September 24, 2021
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One of the ancient guilds of Tarlach; known for their amity and generosity to the Mabinogi Tarlach community, originally from Ragnarok Online.
Wow, he's in Aesir? He must be strong.

Aesir's so nice to offer free glowing gargoyle runs to noobs.
by Chochocolate March 9, 2011
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Ancient norse 'Shining Ones'
i don't think the Aesir would like it if you threw that hammer at me Thor.
by clayton July 23, 2003
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AESIR - the greatest FA clan in existence.
It's even harder to quit AESIR then it is to stop playing FA
by Dagashi June 22, 2004
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Aesir State, also Æsir State, is the Aesir version of the Anunnaki State where it would be located in the Scandinavia, more specifically in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
The Aesir State is one of the several versions of the Anunnaki State round there, such as Kami State, Olympian State, Netjeru State, Deva State and so on.
by Dumugian October 12, 2021
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The best VR esports org in the world.
"Yo bro, AESIR and AESIR EU are dominating Breachers VRML!"
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