18 definitions by Oliver

Just a more creative and diverse way to say "shithead"
Rick:Damn! Tom is such a caca head!
Tom: Hey...fuck you...

*clearly caca head is more of an insult or come back than "fuck you"
by Oliver April 11, 2005
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loser office worker who spends his time writing code for da man. Also know as code monkey
We have a team of 60 developers
by Oliver July 28, 2004
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'you snick'
by Oliver June 5, 2004
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That was the most titiculous stunt I've ever seen man!
by Oliver November 11, 2003
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'Contact me'
'Get back to me later'

Comes from the spanish verb 'revertir' meaning 'to revert (to)', and literally means "revert to me".

This can be used in informal speech among friends but also in business letters/conversation.

(1) In a letter or note:
"If you need any more help, me revirte"

(2) In a telephone conversation:
Person A: "Hi, can you talk?"
Person B: "No, sorry I'm really busy."
Person A: "No problem. Me reverte?"
Person B: "OK, I'll call you later. Bye."
by Oliver February 16, 2005
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"Yo, I watched that movie Ollo Twist!"
by Oliver March 4, 2005
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its a show, silly
i love "the best week ever"
um.. it says no definitions found
its a show, silly
by Oliver June 12, 2004
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