22 definitions by Nick Weiner

Intergalactic Travel

The travel between galaxies - which is considered complete and utter science fiction given the incredible distances. Even light will take 2.5 million years to reach our nearest galaxy.
Intergalactic travel, even to our nearest galaxy, would mean a minimum distance of 23,700 million million million meters away making it cleanly impossible.
by Nick Weiner January 26, 2009
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News Feed

Pretty much the central feature of Facebook. Like the name says, it notifies the user of any activity his or her friends do on the site, from new photo albums to wall posts to status updates and comments to them. It debuted on September 1, 2006 and created a considerable controversy due to privacy concerns. Later on updates included a mini-feed on one's profile that shows all stories pertaining to just that person.
all my friends on facebook found out about my photo album when it was posted since it showed up on the news feed
by Nick Weiner February 17, 2009
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Interstellar Travel

Travel between star systems - which may someday be do-able but given that even our closest star is 4.6 light years away it is something that will require technology and resources that we can only dream of by today's standards.

It is also a very big subject in science fiction; the rapid transit between star systems by faster-than-light travel; Star Trek, Star Wars, and Mass Effect are examples.
While Voyager 1 is technically making interstellar travel, at the rate it is going, it will take more than 72,000 years from now to do so.
by Nick Weiner February 1, 2009
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1. A statistic in sports, mainly hockey and soccer, when you pass the object in play to a teammate who then scores.

2. A statistic in first-person shooters that shows how many times you tried to kill an enemy but your teammate had to finish the job.
1. In an ice hockey game, I got an assist by passing across the ice to my teammate who then shot and scored.

2. In Call of Duty I shot a guy in front of me only for him to strafe away and I got an assist after he ran right into my teammate's bayonet.
by Nick Weiner February 3, 2009
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When a person even with a broadband internet connection is fed up with slow data transfers, most likely due to a crappy ISP or his little brother downloading porn.
I'm fed up with lagging out of servers due to ping. I want broadband, not baudband!
by Nick Weiner February 28, 2009
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Digital feces

Slang term for when a video game has such poor graphics or collision detection it is as pleasant for the eye as looking at actual human feces.
Games like Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, and Hour of Victory are such a disgrace to look at and involve so much going through walls and obstructions that it is pretty much digital feces.
by Nick Weiner March 1, 2009
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A slang term for the Refresh button on a web browser. Almost, if not every web browser ever produced has made F5 as the hotkey for "refresh".
A young 12-year old vandalizes the George W. Bush on Wikipedia. Just to see how long his work stays before reversion, he keeps F5'ing hoping that each time he hits it the article won't be reverted.
by Nick Weiner April 20, 2008
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