21 definitions by Nathan Burns

Something that is very, very cool.
Have you seen the video of the hunter being attacked by the deer?
Yeah, its the dogs balls.
by Nathan Burns September 13, 2006
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N. The overly big sunglasses given out by eye doctors after they have dilated your pupils for an eye exam. N. Name given to the elderly who are frequently seen wearing said glasses in public, but not necessarily after eye exams.
I rear ended some terminators in a buick today. Luckily they didn't have their "plasma rifles in the 40 watt range" with them or I'd be toast.
by Nathan Burns November 8, 2006
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Having sex using an unlubricated condom.
We ended up riding roughshod the other night because she forgot to bring her lube.
by Nathan Burns September 15, 2006
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From sports lingo, a shat trick is pooping 3 times in one day.
That Mexican I ate last night didn't sit well. Counting the cock a doodle poo and the two times at work, I got a shat trick today.
by Nathan Burns September 18, 2006
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A very large turd left in the toilet. Also, one that is reported to your friends due to its size.
Better not go in the bathroom for a while.


Because I just released an Eastern Hellbender back into the wild.
by Nathan Burns September 13, 2006
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Similar to an Abe Lincoln, but with white pubes from an older person.
I used to like giving my friends and Abe Lincoln, but now that I'm older they say it looks more like Kenny Rogers.
by Nathan Burns September 14, 2006
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