73 definitions by Morgan

oww.. like a that bun over there
by Morgan June 30, 2004
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expression used when someone has done something really dumb.
Courtney trips and falls on her face
Morgan says "good wiiin"
by Morgan October 30, 2003
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A silly, ignorant, or non-thinking person.
Dingo:What are pickles made out of?
by Morgan February 5, 2005
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A word invented by the coolest girl ever.
"Elissa is so escellent because she made up this word."
by Morgan March 27, 2005
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A dispicable act using a hanger.
I gave that bitch an asshock when she fell asleep I cant have a baby.
by Morgan December 22, 2004
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after a person passes out at a party, take a marker pen and write all over their face.
after drinking too much, jason passed out and his friends chiefed him.
by Morgan October 8, 2003
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This phrase originates from Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada. Heard in the halls of HCI, this phrase was originally used to mock Jared Klimosko, whose nickname is "Bird." Cody Spence and Richard Harbison are the ones responsible for starting this idiotic trend.

Why was this phrase created? Bird just wouldn't sit down.
Richard: Birdgie! Sit down!
Bird: No.
Cody: Birdgie!
Richard: Birgie!
Cody: Birgie!
Richard: Birdgie.
Cody: Birgie.
Richard: Birdgie.
Miss Philips: Would you two shut the hell up?
Richard: Birdgie.
(Bird sits down.)
by Morgan February 20, 2005
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