23 definitions by MichaelToTheJ

As Per Fucking Usual. Something that happens all the time, and you are sick of it. Like 'As Usual/As Always' but with an angrier tone to it.
1. Aaarrggghhhh, that guy in the blue car took my parking space - APFU!!

2. APFU, I can't find my car keys.
by MichaelToTheJ December 3, 2008
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Winning in two or more areas of your life, at any given time. Or simply winning here and winning there.

Coined by Charlie Sheen in his recent interview. The interviewer asked him if he was bipolar and he replied: "I'm not bipolar, I'm bi-winning."

I just got a promotion and got laid in the same day! I'm really bi-winning right now.
by MichaelToTheJ March 11, 2011
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A combination of the words: awesome, rad and spectacular. If something is all three of these, it's aweradular.
Wow, check out Paul Gilbert's guitar soloing. That's aweradular!!!
by MichaelToTheJ May 10, 2008
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Ronnie Barker was THE legend of comedy. Loads funnier than all of this American "comedy". I.e: Friends. (the only funny bit in the entire history of that programme is when Chandler walks into the spa naked and says: "So, I guess we wear swimsuits in here") Ronnie Barker is famous for the TV series' Porridge, Open All Hours ands The Two Ronnies Show. (You can watch some by typing Ronnie Barker into youtube) Even though he died last year, he died a legend.
Customer: Fork Handles

Shopkeeper: Fork Handles? (hands customer four candles)

Customer: No, fork handles. Handles for forks.

Ronnie Barker = Shopkeeper
by MichaelToTheJ April 26, 2007
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A pub meeting (also known as a bar meeting) is just that: a meeting held in a pub or bar. Said meeting is for 2 or more people to discuss anything vaguely serious and is not a social event.

However, due to the location and available alcohol, it often turns into a social event. For this reason, pub meetings are not hugely effective or efficient and not recommended if you want to get things done, genuinely discuss something that you are serious about or discuss business matters. They are best organised to discuss ideas in the form of a simple brainstorming session; and the addition of alcohol makes it that much more interesting.
We need ideas for that film we're gonna make. Let's have a pub meeting.
by MichaelToTheJ March 10, 2011
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Character Assassination is the act of attempting to influence the portrayal or reputation of a particular person, causing others to develop an extremely negative perception of him/her. By its nature, it involves deliberate exaggeration or manipulation of facts to present an untrue picture of the targeted person.

Basically, it is spreading rumours and talking bad about somebody, to make people hate them.
1. I'm just another victim of Character Assassination.

2. The media and politicians are Character Assassins.
by MichaelToTheJ May 14, 2007
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The Roman Empire was very powerful, especially in AD 117, when they controlled most of Europe. The emperor was Julius Caesar. (I think there were more, but I can't be bothered to list all of them.) They were very civilised, at the time, and apparently knew how to keep order.
1. Brian - "Bloody Romans"

2. Reg - "Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?"
by MichaelToTheJ May 13, 2007
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