22 definitions by Mbleh

Like "wah", only worse. Weh is used when someone is acting very whiny, much more than if "wah" would be appropriate.
Tim: "Aaarrghhh! You're stupid and I'm going to die!!!!" *dies*

Marc: "Weh!!"

by Mbleh September 19, 2007
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A most evil and diabolical Human which wears face paint, puffy clothes, hangs out at circuses, smokes pot, and slaughters people. Appears to bring great joy to small children.
Holy crap that clown is so frigging evil I want to bight his head off lets watch TV
by Mbleh June 11, 2007
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Cool. It means cool, and that's what it means. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Me: "You're foamy!"
Jessica: "Awww! Thanks!!"
by Mbleh September 29, 2007
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A little clay guy from SNL that gets owned by Sluggo and Mr. Hands.
(Sluggo tears off Mr. Bill's head)
Mr. Bill's head: "OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
by Mbleh October 16, 2007
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Stands for Toyota Racing Development... but looks like TURD to me.
Pursin: "My car is made by th' TRD!"

Gye: "Don't spell it out for me now damn it! I know how t' spell freakin' TURD!! Shitty car..."
by Mbleh September 17, 2007
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Synonym for (1)"hello";(2)"Let me get your attention"; and (3)"You bastard!"
Timmy: "Hey! You're pretty!"

Timmy: "Hey! Check out my new Dead Squirrel(tm)!!"

Redneck Bully: "Yer mawma's sayexy!"
Timmy: "Hey! That's not true!"
by Mbleh August 18, 2007
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A very stupid thing which demented sadists write for their own amusement. Appears in the form of an email, "real" letter, or Youtube comment. Usually goes something like this:

Ef u dn't snd this lettr to 20 mor pple then you'r (mom will die/ balls will be cut off/ you will turn gay) at mdnite tonite LOL ROFL!!!!!

Only horribly stupid people follow these, while intelligent people ignore them. Really intelligent people track down the people who right the letters and kill these people with a lawnmower and a pogo stick.
Stupid person: "Oh no's! I just read a chain letter in me email and if me doesn't copy it an' send it to twenty other extremely stupid people, then my mommy will go bye-bye!"
Smart person: "You are a very stupid person."
Stupid person: (Glues foot to forehead) "What?"
by Mbleh July 11, 2008
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