52 definitions by Maxwell

you wear burberry and rainbows, you are the only girls school invited to mixers that shows up in polos (and no, a mixer is not an appliance), a tight squeeze is a place, and "the river" is a source of infinite mystery and fascination
kid 1: who are those girls with their collars popped flocking together in the corner over there

kid 2: oh they're chatham girls
by Maxwell November 21, 2004
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seven eleven punks are the kids that hang out infrount of a seven eleven and bug you when you walk into the seven eleven.. seven eleven punks make mall rats and others look better
For a Example of this goto your loco seven eleven or get Harold & kumar goto white castle on dvd and watch that
by Maxwell March 15, 2005
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The act of using butter for anal sex lubricant. Popularized by Marlon Brando in the movie, "Last Tango In Paris"
After I buttered her up, I proceeded to penetrate her analey with my erect penis.
by Maxwell June 30, 2004
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Jamall hit the flo when he heard the drive by shooting outside his crib in the ghetto.
by Maxwell October 8, 2004
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The act of beating the living shit out of some fucking idiot who desperately deserves it.
I Rodney Kinged that fucking asshole at the bar last night for being an obnoxious drunk.
by Maxwell July 17, 2004
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It’s not a movie. It’s something that happens when a hillbilly walks into a barn.
by Maxwell February 22, 2005
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