by Sal Cino January 4, 2004
by ._the.br21 May 8, 2020
by dylan morris June 27, 2007
by SHIT DICKY ASS June 4, 2021
dumb fucking asshole one who is a dumbass and a fucking ediot more vulgar and offensive when just calling someone a dumbass is not enough
this man broke into his neighbors house and got attacked by his neighbors 6 dogs that dumb fucking asshole was lucky to escape with his life
by littlejimmie May 18, 2019
The Captain Awesome poser on urban dictionary is a stupid-fucking-asshole because he stole Captain Awesome from me.
by King Awesome November 27, 2003
Gang slang meaning that the concerning person is bragging 'bout his lifestyle being that of an highly ranked mob-boss.
I think we should pay him a visit, 'cause he thinks he's the don fucking asshole of my sisters hood! Well he's damn fucking wrong!!!
by Aboraly September 2, 2006