11 definitions by Marco K.


Schoolwork that is assigned by teachers to be completed at home in your spare time. Homework was invented by some fucked up masochist sitting at a table one day deciding that students don't do enough work at school six hours a day, so why not send more schoolwork home even though you spend all day doing work?
I never do my math homework. It's so pointless. My teacher doesn't even check to see if I did it...
by Marco K. May 19, 2010
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soccer mom

A soccer mom is typically a white suburban woman aged from 30-50. They are usually picking their kids up from school and driving them to the various activities they participate in. Usually seen with an SUV, a coffee and a cell phone yelling at someone. She owns a two-story house with her husband and two/three kids with a picket fence in the front yard. They are crazy Christians who believe that anyone or anything that isn't Christian is cursed by the devil. They blame rap/rock/metal music, the Internet and video games for all the problems in the world. They believe they are always right and that their opinion matters most. They are often seen telling others what to do. They are one of the people most responsible for the dumbing down of today's society. Her kids live a life planned for them. They have to get straight A's in school. They are forced to participate in soccer, hockey and many other sports. They are not allowed to watch any movies rated higher than PG. They are not allowed to play any video games, other than a Nintendo Wii for an hour a day. They have no Internet access, the computer is for homework only. After being forced to listen to Sheryl Crow, Shania Twain and Creed all of their life, they end up becoming rebels the moment they start high school. They do drugs, they get into fights, and start bullying others. Little does the soccer mom know that her perfect little daughter is fucking the captain of her school's football team. Soccer moms make me sick.
That soccer mom yelled at me because I was playing Metallica full blast! She said it was the creation of the devil...
by Marco K. May 27, 2010
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Something that has been overdone to the point where it becomes lame, predictable and obsolete.
Stop it with the "your mom" insults. Those are cliche and haven't been offensive since the fucking 1980s.
by Marco K. May 29, 2010
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Governmental assistance for people who don't work. Basically free money given to them by the government. Usually used by fat 30 year old women with 8 kids, crackheads and lazy ass people who don't wanna work. Kids that collect welfare are disrespectful to others who have more money than them and try to make themselves sound like they have everything, when their Wal-Mart clothing wearing asses say otherwise.
People on welfare are fucking trash. We pay taxes to the government so these wastes of air can have a fucking life. Stop watching Oprah and get off your ass. Get a job and help the economy! Assholes...
by Marco K. May 27, 2010
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video games

The only form of entertainment besides music that is actually fun and interesting anymore.
I hardly watch TV, but I LOVE video games. :)
by Marco K. May 18, 2010
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A stereotype is a characteristic assumed by people regarding a certain population. Stereotypes are usually based on the history of that population and are also portrayed by the media. Stereotypes usually have a negative connotation, since it is including all people of a certain population into characteristics when really only a select few possesses.
1. If you are a teenager, you curse like a sailor, do drugs and cause trouble.
2. If you are white, you are a hypocrite that is jealous of society because you can't move up in life.
3. If you are black, you fail out of school, live on welfare and leech off the government, doing nothing with your life.
4. If you are a Jew, you are very careful with money and have huge ambitions to get rich.
5. If you are Muslim, you are a crazy, maniacal mastermind that likes to blow shit up and cause chaos.

Those are all examples of stereotypes.
by Marco K. January 19, 2010
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A white suburban person that thinks they're black. They are seen mimicking the mannerisms and clothing of a black ghetto kid. They do this because they think they look cool, when in reality, people view them as pathetic and wannabes, hence the term wigger(Wannabe Nigger). They talk in ghetto slang used by black ghetto kids and are uneducated. Their grammar is an english teacher's nightmare and they can't type properly.

They are one of the prime examples of white trash.
Wigger: "Y000 dAwGz WaTZ G000D EH?!!111ONE!!!111
Translation: Hi, how are you?

Wigger: AW H3LL NAWWWW M4N WAT THE SH11ZZLLEE??!!!!11111
Translation: What? That sucks.

Wigger: KBaI M3N PcE oUt H0MEDAWGZZZ~~~!!!!!!!!
Translation: Later guys.

Wigger: WaT the FAAKIN sHiZzZzZleZZZ M3N IMA cUt U 2NIT3!!! U NO BE MESIN ROUND WIT M3H!!!!!!111111ONE!!!111111 Y U GOIN UP IN MAH GR1LLL BOI????/
Translation: You are an idiot.
by Marco K. May 27, 2010
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