To make billions of money and show off in front of middle-aged white women
Dude, did you watch "Apprentice" last night? Trump was totally Oprah!
by Phalkon November 1, 2004
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The woman that brainwashed my mom to stop buying soda. Forever
Chick on oprah: ''And I lost 40 pounds after cutting soda out of my life completley!

My mom: *brainwashed* Must. Stop. Buying. Soda.
by DizzyLizzy January 19, 2007
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The world's current Sith Lord
Her current apprentices are possibly Dr Phil or that white designer he-bitch she owns, or perhaps even Tom Cruise (hehe midget)

"Watch out or Oprah will fry you with her sith powers"
"Oprah is so Sithy she eats bricks for breakfast (which also explains her weight)"
"Oprah is going to take over the galaxy one day, better not pay out black folks"
by Elmin October 16, 2005
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To coax an answer or confession out of someone with gentle persuasion, like the talk-show host.
"I didn't want to tell her, but she Oprah'd it out of me."
by The Evil Pop Tart February 27, 2005
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Shapeshifter. The only known person in history who can change into any form he/she so desires. This is obviously how she obtains her wealth of information, public opinions and money. She transforms herself into another person to gather what she needs for her overated, overappreciated, decieving day time television show. She feeds on the ignorance of the millions of viewers that worship her.She has supposedly been around since the beggining of time itself, she has asumed many forms and has corrupted many a country. One infamous person you may have heard of, Hitler, was not the man you think he was, he was, as you may have guessed, Oprah, in disguise. She is believed to have been present at the Last Supper. Though she tends to change shapes often, her most famous, and most used form is the overweight, overpaid, deceptive black woman you see on television. She is to be avoided at all costs. She can be anywhere at any time in any shape. You have been warned.

Also see oprah hands
"Hey! Look that water moves like Oprah!"
"Dude, Don't change the way you look like that, I didn't know who you were, you pulled an Oprah."
by Thisnamebetternotbetaken August 15, 2006
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A fat black woman with deep rooted anger issues, an egomaniac, and a closet racist. If she had her way she would exterminate all white people from the planet, but she can't because they happen to be her core fanbase.
Oprah is on, turn that TV off.
by FFace March 19, 2007
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a fugly bitch who walks around saying "LET'S SAVE THE WORLD!!" then does nothing about it and makes milions of dollars!!
do you wanna watch Oprah with me?

i'd rather have an orgy with lion, tiger, and bear and yell oh my! on camera
by Kelsey the PImp June 30, 2006
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