18 definitions by Mamahipster

A person obsessed with starting new businesses- always coming up with ideas and ways to develop new things...
"Alyssa was a total Start-up Junkie. She LOVED coming up with the ideas and putting the plan and people together."
by Mamahipster February 17, 2012
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When two people are chemically compromised, meet up, have crazy relations, and cannot remember certain things...
They met in a bar, talked, went to his hotel and had an Erotic Blur. Neither of them can remember details.
by Mamahipster November 1, 2011
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The first impression when you meet someone new - what you are wearing, your expression, your demeanor.
He is a really nice guy, but his Visual Handshake was awful. Bad clothes, bad hair, bad attitude.
by Mamahipster November 3, 2011
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A man, who during a meeting or date, does not gives signs of sexual interest. When he walks you to your car, he pounces with unexpected physical contact.
We had a very pleasant lunch meeting. After, the Parking Lot Pouncer walked me to my car, and then all of a sudden started with the grabbing and kissing.
by Mamahipster February 17, 2012
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When you are in a public place, and someone just starts talking to you about their life, their place, their spiritual well-being and their hopes for the future, often revealing very personal information.
I was at Fed Ex, minding my own business, and this woman started to talk to me about how she liked my hair. 20 minutes later, I had a full download of Spiritual Space Junk. I knew about her dead husband, her finances, her children, her car, her roommate, and her religious beliefs!
by Mamahipster November 2, 2011
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When a person leaves a relationship in a big hurry, due to reactions from previous unsuccessful relationships.
"He was guilty of a PTSDetour. He cut me out of our relationship like a cancer. He just disappeared."
by Mamahipster September 16, 2011
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When you are experiencing the "perfect" human moment, appreciating being alive. It can be a moment in nature, or a moment with family, or a moment with friends, or a moment of giving.... When the universe cracks open and everything is right for that split second. Like catching a shooting star.
A Momentgasm is walking along the beach, on a beautiful sunny morning, warm, sound of waves, children laughing, dogs and people out in the fresh air.
by Mamahipster August 25, 2011
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