24 definitions by MadMark255

A portmanteau of the words Dumbass, referring to an idiot, and Bastard, referring to someone with bad morals.
Boss: Hey, I need you to come in tomorrow, even though it's your day off.
Larry: Okay. See you then. *Hangs up phone* Dumbasstard.
by MadMark255 December 13, 2020
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The original name for the popular Nintendo character Kirby before he was called, well, Kirby, according to a Twitter account allegedly belonging to Masahiro Sakurai (it was a joke account).

Incidentally, Kirby himself wasn't even actually Pink in his debut game, but rather entirely white.
Nintendo of America Twitter: What was Kirby’s original name?
Masahiro Sakurai: Pink Piece of Shit. I should know, I created him.
by MadMark255 February 4, 2021
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The act of deliberately, and usually maliciously, changing a detail of an event for one's own benefit.
Alan realized he became the victim of the Texas Switch when his blind date was a trap.
by MadMark255 December 18, 2021
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A glossary of terms containing the word "Shit", used to describe various objects situations.

The index is as follows:

- Apeshit: Insanely, possibly dangerously aggressive
- Batshit: Deranged, crazy, bizarre
- Bullshit: Lies, False, Untrue
- Chickenshit: Cowardly, fearful
- Dipshit: Foolish, stupid
- Dogshit: Low quality, very easy to damage

- Horseshit: Blatantly unfair, biased toward one side over another
- The Shit: Very impressive, widely enjoyable
Proper usage of the Shit Index is key to good hyperbole.
by MadMark255 May 4, 2023
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A slightly more polite way of calling someone an idiot.
Ryan: *Falls on his face after attempting an elaborate skateboard trick*
Eddy: *laughs* Oh my God, you're such a fucking dumbdumb!
by MadMark255 November 11, 2020
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A large, four-armed, ape like creature known to haunt the Arctic or rocky areas of the planet Pandora. Also known as a Primal Creature, Ferrovore, or, most commonly, a Bullymong.
-Axton: Hey, did you see me kill that Boner Fart by hitting it with a Grenade?
-Salvador: Yeah, that was awesome!
by MadMark255 April 20, 2022
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A euphemism for proposing to your significant other.

A common saying among Vikings during their time period. When Vikings proposed to their significant others, they'd usually get down on one knee (similar to the tradition today) and do so. Then they'd settle down and maybe stop pillaging as much.

Since actually being shot in the knee with a real arrow would have a more-or-less similar effect, the phrase "Took an arrow to the knee," became a saying for proposal.

That's why the guards in the game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim say it so often; the game is heavily influenced by Viking culture, and most of the guards are probably married.
-Guard: I used to be an adventurer like you. But then I took an arrow to the knee.
-Dragonborn: Is she hot?
-Guard:...Fuck off.
by MadMark255 February 17, 2021
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