55 definitions by Mac

can be used to describe literally anything or anyone or any action.
throw them dick worms up!
you are such a dick worm....
dick worms unite
by Mac September 15, 2004
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Another word for the rocket launcher in the xbox game Halo.
by Mac September 12, 2003
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extremely wasted, drunk, inebriated, tanked, sloshed, blasted
That choch is totally butt-housed. He won't be throwin the ball around like the boys tonight.
by Mac April 17, 2003
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The guiche is the bit betwixt your asshole and your nutsack. Also know as the perenium in scientific circles
The cheeky bint tickled my guiche
by Mac October 12, 2004
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N: A Warcraft/SWG/Call of Duty player who has follows who worship his leg hair
N2: A follower of Makolyte
N: Makolyte just killed me.
N2: I am a Makolyte.
by Mac January 14, 2004
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Like pirates, but gay.
Oh noes! Here come the assrates!
by Mac December 21, 2003
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hair tried to be worn attractively framing your face, but in reality, it looks like stringy carp hanging off your scalp
"Way to mess up your full-legnths"
by Mac November 1, 2003
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