42 definitions by MJ

one who constantly smokes weed, drinks, and fucks bitches
did you hit that you Big Ern?
by MJ April 9, 2004
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means some smelly leaper who lives in a cardboard box in the back of an ally who would do anything for a shag. the poleglass version of malone road is living in a blue bin! be afraid if ever walking throu! WATCH YOUR SHOES!!!
by MJ November 25, 2004
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when MJ allows Ryan to believe he is right when in fact, he is not.
MJ compromised about the car rental conversation on the phone tonight when Ryan didn't listen to orignally was said.
by MJ January 25, 2005
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Jumping up in down while have sex with someone. Usualy used by people with ADD
I love jumping for joy. It feels so good. Today im gonna jump for joy with Sam.
by MJ July 7, 2004
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an odd job bob a job bob does odd jobs for the odd bob, or to put it a different way - A person who never has a propper job and makes money by doing odd jobs here and there, for example painting Alberts shed for a tenner or washing cars for a quid a time. Usually they make most of their money by claiming dole though, and only do odd jobs because they get paid cash in hand.
Dave: That Bob is a right odd job bob a job bob
John: Hows that then?
Dave: 'Cuz he does odd jobs for the odd bob.
by MJ October 27, 2003
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It means a really cute cat that you could just pick up and wuveeeeeeee! <3 ^__^
Awwwww! Look at the poor little kaiatteh run around on the floor with grandpa!
by MJ June 5, 2004
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