1419 definitions by MIke

1) Serve action or ownage - "You got served."

2) Slavery, free labor or labor to pay off a debt.
1) I tried playing final fantasy tactics online. I was completely decimated. All that was typed by the opposition was "servitude." Indeed it was.

2) The 14th amendment ended involuntary servitude, unless a crime was committed.
by MIke October 12, 2004
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to say hello; to ask how someone is doing
by MIke October 3, 2003
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From the fires of Mt. Doom, the 4 foot marijuana smoking tool was forged. Many great meetings with him took place, until his untimely death during a wind storm. Some of his bones were salvaged but could not fill the void in our lungs. He will be missed.
Dude1: So...uhhhhh...wanna talk to James.
Dude2: Dude!
by MIke March 22, 2005
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the directory on a unix or linux box which stores passwords. on various servers the passwords are either encrypted in an algorithm or shadowed with a "*" or "x" symbol.
kinda 2 long ;x
by MIke July 7, 2003
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1. A sore loser.
2. A good rookie, but overshadowed by much better rookies.
1. "Man, why you be kanye?"
2. "He's good, but he's a kanye compared to the others.
by MIke March 19, 2005
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One who tries to be something he or she is not destined to be. The word originates from the great tale of the Rhino who wished to be a Bumblebee. He tried re-attaching his horn onto his ass after tearing it off his forhead, for the stinger, and also painting yellow and black stripes across his body. He went looking for a hive to meet Bumblebee friends, he found one but could not fit inside. When he tried, the hive came falling to the ground which resulted in all the Bumblebees giving the imposter painfull stings all over his body. He then washed off the paint, and put his horn back where it was supposed to be, and went back to his Rhino friends. He was teased and called a Rumblebee for the rest of his lifetime, and that is how the word came about.
Elaine was being a real Rumblebee today, did you see how she was trying to be a punk like Dennis? That is so not her style.
by MIke June 27, 2004
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