
The secret state between Narnia and Canada. To get there, you must stand in an old cupboard and say sorry three times and then eat Maple Syrup and Turkish Delight and you will get teleported there.
Guy: “Hey what’s Joey doing in the cupboard with my Maple Syrup and Turkish Delight?”
Girl: “He’s trying to go to Canadia”
by Maconchie June 5, 2014
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I went to Canadia today!
by Surazal February 1, 2004
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Quite simply what the country Canada should have been called if the world was a logical place. Not to mention, Canadia sounds much more grand than Canada.
Canadia sounds much better than Canada.
by SpamFritters May 15, 2009
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The country directly north of the USA. Typically called "Canada" but we decided it must be "Canadia" and "Canadians" or "Canada" and Canadans" and "Canadia" sounds so much spiffier.
I have to go visit relatives in Canadia.
by Hoolia August 19, 2003
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Noun. The way Canada SHOULD logically be spelled, if its reisdents are to be referred to as "Canadians". If "Canada" is the correct nomenclature, why are its residents referred to as "Canadians" and not "Canadans"? And, if we are to appropriate this linguistic protocol and apply it across the board, then why don't we Americans call ourselves "AM-mo-RICK-ians"? Besides, "Canadia" just sounds better, and lives up to the peaceful, majestic, and Utopian persona that it has taken on in the eyes of us Amorickians ever since our country got taken over by blustering, right-wing Imperialists. C'mon, "Nation Soon to be Formerly Known as Canada". Make it official. We all know you want to!
"Had there been proper medical procedures to correct severe cataracts in 1545, French explorer Jacques Cartier may not have missed the "i" in "Canadia" while transcribing his travelogue entries for posterity, and the grievous cosmic imbalance which ensues to this day may have been completely averted."
by Buddy-Rey August 28, 2006
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Country north of United States. Canada is a slang for this word.
Canadia Canada?
by JAmes September 22, 2003
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