60 definitions by MITCH

A really LEET cs player from Australia.
*DEAD*SomeRandom: WOw that blaster guy is a fucking leet cs player ogm!
by MITCH May 30, 2003
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Poocats get all of the ladies while possesing no skills or good looks. They either dress in abercrombie clothes or hurley attire.
Why the fuck is that fine ass hunny with that poocat?
by MITCH March 31, 2005
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Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Johnny - a man who kills people for his own reason.
Homicidal - murderous. Pretty much wanting to kill people.
Maniac - ...Johnny. Yep.
by MITCH November 24, 2003
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A drug that causes illusions and The craveing for fast food.
Wow.I tried some of that sky high and i found myself passed out in the womans bathroom.
by MITCH October 6, 2002
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An adjective used by hipsters of the 1920's to describe a person who is the best at what they do.
Also used to describe another person who is genial and fun to be with.
This term has been recently popularized by the movie 'The School of Rock'.
Synonym: bees-knees
"Martin sure knows how to dance, he's the cats pajamas, man!"
by MITCH May 31, 2004
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an australian gentlemen who appears to be a tad "frisky"
as opposed to kangeroo
oh dear charlie, there appears to be a wangeroo
by MITCH March 16, 2005
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