39 definitions by Leon

Alright fdsjk fklfff
Orright then fjkfff gg
by Leon April 15, 2005
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fat women who sit on men (fully clothed) ...or not
by Leon November 22, 2013
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- A farting game gone wrong.

- Description : the picture of a girl, now known as tubgirl, in which she's lying down and lifts her feet up to her shoulders, so that her anus faces upwards, then literally takes a liquid dump on her own face.

- Often mentioned alongside goatse.
"Tubgirl is a case of semi-inverse bulimia"
by Leon April 7, 2004
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A Woman with breasts that are flat. Deflated Titties.
An old age home is a great place to find Flap Jacks.
by Leon June 21, 2004
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ultimate past tense verb, add it or "ed" to the end of any word to change it into a past tense verb. also a very badly misspelled version of the word die
Look in the task bar menu till you find an icon labled IED, right click on it, a window will pop up called IED settngs. click the dropdown bar and change your settings from ied to die. that should fix your problem.
by Leon July 26, 2004
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like "unlucky" or "bummer" not the homosexual meaning of bummer though!
Boy 1: My bitch dumped me last night man

Boy 2: Savaaaage!
by Leon December 28, 2004
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