8 definitions by Katie654321

Alice: Oh they make me so mad! They think they can be mean to me just because I'm smaller than they are!
Caterpillar: Zip-a-dee-doo-dah.
by Katie654321 February 16, 2016
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A nice, funny girl. Can be found as an actress. Can be a bitch sometimes.
That Brooke seemed nice, except when I got on her bad side.
by Katie654321 March 25, 2016
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Something after zipadeedoodah.
Alice: zipadeedoodah
Caterpillar: Zipadeeay.
by Katie654321 February 16, 2016
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Julie: Whats lol?
Brad: Just slang.
by Katie654321 February 16, 2016
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Something you say when you wanna make a point or you're just really so damn angry.
1. The movie was so fucking bad I left during the first five minutes.
2. He pissed me off, so I said fuck you.
by Katie654321 March 13, 2016
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(True meaning) devil dog
(False meaning) a name when you wanna go buck wild.
1. I went to hell and got an El-Chickracabra.
2. He was running like an El-Chickracabra.
by Katie654321 March 13, 2016
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The saddest song! It will make everyone cry. Written about Charlie Puth's friend who died in a car crash.
Person: Did you listen to the song See You Again?
Person 2: Yeah it made me cry.
by Katie654321 March 25, 2016
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