7 definitions by Kate Templar

abreviation for casual used by artists and designers to describe to feel of a work.
K:You know that new character i was making?
S:that caz assasin rite?
K: ye, i decided to change his name to phil instead of Joe. is that ok?
by Kate Templar July 26, 2005
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the pyro spelling for fire. Used when a pyro is on a rampage.
by Kate Templar July 9, 2005
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the sound used to describe the action of a person sticking out their tongue and blowing hard making a farting noise. Used to express disappointment.
You can't go to the concert next week? pbbt! you suk...
by Kate Templar July 9, 2005
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a pair of shorts with a really low crotch. used especially when a girl is wearing them.
Haha! Diana's wearing her man shorts again!
by Kate Templar July 26, 2005
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smelly stuff that horses eat that attracts lots of rats.
When i went down to the barn yesterday there was like six rats in templar's hay. It was nasty. I hope he doesn't get sick.
by Kate Templar July 26, 2005
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A friendly and common greeting in snowboarder language.
Simon: dude, watch where your riding!
Ray: Sorry dude
by Kate Templar July 26, 2005
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