by Novizzle4shizzle February 4, 2006
by I love Post Malone! March 7, 2020
The site to go to if your dictionary won't define modern slang words. A place to post new slang or your definitions of existing words.
by AYB April 2, 2003
by HowieDoIt March 23, 2010
You're looking up this website? You ashame me.
If you don't get off the computer, I'll turn the internet off. Honestly, looking up
by lllleeeeeeeexxyy September 16, 2007
it is the site u r on right now and it is friggen sick it tells ur te definition on anything and lots more
Dood 1: Hey wat does rofl mean
Dood 2: Hmm not sure but we can check on
Dood 1: Ok
Dood 2: Hmm not sure but we can check on
Dood 1: Ok
by Dfox20 May 25, 2007
n. The address to a particular stored set of HTML that contains a variety of interesting, humourous, and offensive material.
Hey, dude, go to and look up your name! Hee hee, I played the coolest trick ever! I defined it as "the dumest guy ever!" Ha ha!
by Bad Grammar Must Die April 2, 2003