6 definitions by Jared the wanking pelican

The HARAM shit most dads drink
Friend: yo bro do you want a glass of alcohol

Quran reading mega Muslim: ASTUGFURALLAH
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The whitest being to ever step foot on planet earth
Person 1: so how did you become blind
Blind person: I looked at Thomas
by Jared the wanking pelican July 21, 2023
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Two fucking nine year olds having virtual sec in a kids game
Those Roblox edaters need to be stopped they are ruining the younger generation
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A school where half of the students are clinically retarded and are not even funny

The school is overly expensive (I’m talking 18 bags a year) just for the teachers who are also retarded ( there are some exceptions tho) to show up 10 minutes late because “tHeIr OfFiCe WaS aLl ThE wAy AcRoSs ThE sChOol” then for the dyslexic kids to waste half the lesson making some tame sound effects to get a reaction.
And the amount of love stories is revolting. Year 7s( fucking 11-12 year olds) are making out and having relationships.

Apparently they accept all races but it takes 1 look at the about 6 Muslims and 15 black peoples to find out that that’s not true.

A good thing is the rugby. The only reason i started and am where I am today is because of rugby at bennies.

Hall of shame for teachers (names blocked kind of)

Mr W**** (English)

Ms **s**o* (English)

Ms S* *al** **i** (RE/RS)
And more

Hall of fame (using descriptions)

Mr religious but fun

Dr Italian and charming

Mr French rugby coach who’s name some people say wrong
St Benedict’s is not really worth it
by Jared the wanking pelican September 24, 2023
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A term used by year sevens who think their hard
Year 11: do you need help finding your class
Year 7: shall I bang you fam
*year 7 gets punted like a football*
by Jared the wanking pelican June 25, 2023
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