51 definitions by JakeStar

Judging by the pictures, its just emo with better lighting.
*sigh* I'm emo...

Hell yeah! I'm scene!
by JakeStar April 26, 2005
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When yelled, clears out a crowded theatre in a huury.
Which Amendment gives us the right to yell "Fire!" in a crowded movie theatre?
by JakeStar April 5, 2005
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The act of popping up the collar of a polo shirt, so it covers the neck.

Twenty years ago kids in ghetto wore their collars popped, now it is a trend among frat boys and preps.

A common look for the frat boy is to wear a pink polo shirt with the collar popped. The pink shirt fools sorostitutes into thinking that frat boy is comfortable with his sexuality, when in reality, every sixth word out of his mouth is faggot.
And here we see a fine specimen of prep. Note the sandles with socks, meticulously groomed hair, and popped collar.
by JakeStar May 7, 2005
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Sex between two (or more) people living in the same dorm.

Common among freshman, who excited by their newfound freedom have sex with the nearest person they can get their booze-soaked hands on. Its all well and good until October rolls around and you hate each other but still see each other everyday.
"You fucked your neighbor? Bad idea, dormcest usually does not end well."

"But we were drunk! And my mom wasnt going to walk in on us!"
by JakeStar May 9, 2005
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One who "lands" a job in the cubicaled and carpeted higher ranks of a buissness or company after starting out at an entry level position.
Bill started working at the brewery five years ago, now that carpetlander is a sales rep!
by JakeStar August 5, 2005
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One of the worst comics in the newspaper, second only to The Family Circus. The setting always consists of the same countertop, and involves Garfield eating food or smacking a spider with a rolled up newspaper.
Shit like Garfield is adored by the masses, while The Boondocks is yanked from papers because it might offend some white people.
by JakeStar April 25, 2005
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Contra III kicks so much ass that it is not suitable for women and children.
by JakeStar April 5, 2005
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