27 definitions by JRob

An object's component or quality that has the potential to annoy or anger a person viewing or using the object.
Web browser pop-up ads tend to have a very high piss-off factor.
by JRob November 18, 2005
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gran-DIL-uh-kwuhnt, adjective:
Lofty in style; pompous; bombastic. Full of fine words and fancy expressions - marked by the use of impressive-sounding but mostly meaningless words and phrases.
He became more than usually grandiloquent as if to make up for the years of silence with words of gold.
by JRob July 26, 2006
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The tendency for one party in a civil case to settle out of court to avoid the potentially high cost of fighting the case.
Newspaper publishers, when faced with a potential libel case, often try to settle out of court by paying a ransom factor rather than take their chances with a jury trial.
by JRob November 3, 2005
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A person who makes a living by predicting disasters and worst-case scenarios.
Guy1: What's the news, man?

Guy2: Bird Flu, terrorists, hurricanes, global warming, the price of gasoline and natural gas and electricity skyrocketing, death toll in Iraq . . .

Guy1: Boy, the dread merchants are busy lately!
by JRob November 7, 2005
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Another phase for Male Masterbation, wanking, choking the chicken, slapping the salami.
After another unsuccessful night out on the town, James went home alone to pump the footy
by JRob January 21, 2019
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n. Advertisements posted on telephone poles, traffic lights, and other public areas.
Honest, officer, I didn't even see the stop sign! Look at all the street spam all over that corner.
by JRob October 4, 2005
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Supermarionation (a portmanteau of "super", "marionette" and "animation") is a puppetry technique devised in the 1960s by British production company AP Films. It was used extensively in the company's numerous Gerry and Sylvia Anderson-produced action-adventure series, the most famous of which was Thunderbirds. The term was coined by Gerry Anderson, possibly in imitation of Ray Harryhausen's stop motion technique.

Thunderbirds is a British mid-1960s television show devised by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson and made by AP Films using a form of puppetry dubbed "Supermarionation".
by JRob April 10, 2007
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