
Some folk are bombastic in their attire.
by Anonymous October 1, 2003
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When you're doing things beyond necessary that you come off sounding like a snob.
When you're trying to use big words because you're actually smart or just wanting to impress your classmate.
Somebody calls you out "you and your bombastic language"
by tritonprincie June 24, 2014
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(adj) usually used to flaunt the size of one’s penis
“They call me Mr. Bombastic
by Mr. Bombastic 420 February 28, 2019
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means alomst the same as fantastic but better, like a bomb exploding
The sex i had with Britney was bombastic! mmmm...
by Crystal May 1, 2004
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An awsome word meaning outragiouse, and meaningless speech.... This word is often used between Ty and Anne when quoting the infamouse Billie Joe Armstrong, aka God.
"Billie Joe is sooo freakin bombastic!"
by Ty March 30, 2005
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bombastic it means when your salty,angry, stuck up, jobless and fake
bobby:omg your so annoying fuck off tamara:omg shut the fuck up you bombastic bastard
by bombastic March 2, 2021
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Angry but not expressing it.
I was bombasticated when a bully punched me as the principal was there and I controlled myself
by Bombasticated April 5, 2016
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