394 definitions by J

Typically used to denote one with an unhealthy obsession with anime characters, although the term can also be applied to those who obsess over actors who are real (which can be considered a step up or down from anime fangirls, depending on how you look at it). Characteristics include the the propensity to discuss their character of choice's personality, accomplishments and so on, completely failing to realize that it's just a fucking cartoon; to write horrible fanfics pairing characters together, often characterized themselves by an obsessive focus on yaoi; and to use anime-inspired emoticons such as ._. and -_-;, with the semicolon in the latter example being repeated to express progressing exasperation (-_-;;;;;;;;;; etc). Typically 12-15 years old; after this point, the fangirls really should know better, and are reclassified as, simply, morons.

Fangirls, as well as their counterpart the fanboy, should be avoided at all costs; do not respond to them in any way as you will only encourage them more. Rather, you are encouraged to strive for a clean headshot whenever possible. Burn the body and exorcise the ground upon which it fell.
vash is so much sexyer then inuyasha omg -_-;;;;;;;; but id like to c them in bed 2gether xDDD
by J January 7, 2005
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Camel toes are most often caused by tight restrictive clothing ie: spandex, lycra, ect...
When jacked up to the breast area it causes the "camel toe" effect, also known as the moose knuckle.
"Damn if she'd feed that thing a pair of jeans in the morning it wouldn't munch on her like that!" She got a nasty camel toe!!
by J June 13, 2004
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Pontiac, GM's excitement division with such performance-oriented vehicles as the 185HP Aztek, 200HP SV6, and 200HP G6! Excitement indeed.
My Aztek looks lovely, doesn't it?
by J September 29, 2004
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I don't curr that you hurt yourself, keep playing.
by J November 2, 2003
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Happy Hardcore from the UK. The proof that all the best music comes from Britain. Rave music mixed by DJ's such as Hixxy, Dougal, Scott Brown, Brisk, Sharkey, Ham, DJ Rankin, etc.
Are you going to that rave at the weekend? It's the best of UK Hardcore.
by J November 15, 2005
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Act of interfering with someone who is kicking it to your piece.
Jim was all over my woman, so I had to defensive cockblock all night.
by J February 24, 2005
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One of several detachments of the sinister Naraku, this very very good looking woman controls wind, loathing her master, she wishes to kill him to become free.
Perhaps one day when Naraku is destroyed, Kagura will persue a better life.
by J August 31, 2003
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