21 definitions by Ian De La Rosa

The denser of male “lower class” beach trolls still live in the past. Most of them are extremely paranoid due to long years of drug abuse, have short tempers and histories of road rage. Many aging beach trolls have long, graying hair, wear outdated “heavy metal” t-shirts and have a fascination with monster trucks, skull imagery and Nazi memorabilia.

All beach trolls are shysters and tight-fisted money grubbers who will screw you on any deal while making it out like you are the one coming out ahead. They will usually always greet you with a smile and a handshake. Sometimes, they will call you “brother” to throw you off track.

Most male beach trolls are shit stirrers, lechers, trouble-makers and male versions of “skanks.” They would be the first person to get your under-aged daughter heavily stoned to have sex with her in your bed while you were away at work. Avoid contact with all versions of trolls at all costs.
My 50-year-old neighbor just got hauled away for statutory rape with a minor. What a beach troll he is.
by Ian De La Rosa June 24, 2013
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Beach Trolls can be either male or female and are found in beach communities throughout the world.

They are socially predatory creatures and usually obsessed with their exterior appearances, while neglecting development of their blackening souls.

Their interior ugliness comes out as they age, so that they are easily recognizable when older, but the young and middle-aged beach trolls will sometimes fool you with their charm and temporarily youthful beauty.

Their favorite pastimes include sleeping with married people, collecting jewelry and looking in the mirror.
Wow, I just found my ex-best friend in our Jacuzzi. She was having a threesome with my teenage son and husband. She is one mean, beach troll.
by Ian De La Rosa June 22, 2013
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A “ Worm Tongue” is a cunning, lying “sack of shit” Troll who for some reason is able to incredibly manipulate people to evil ends with their voices. The trance that worm tongues put their victims into is similar to a snake that hypnotizes its prey, before it eats them.

Most televangelists, used-car salesmen, politicians, hookers, drug dealers and lawyers have worm tongues and have to the power to seduce people with their voices.

The origin of the worm tongue is most-likely the character created by J.R.R. Tolkien in “The Lord of The Rings” trilogy.
Len is sure one mother-fucking worm tongue. I have never seen one person create so much stink between people in such a long time.
by Ian De La Rosa July 3, 2013
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Reiner is a uncommon name for a male.

It is the English version of the German nameRayner.“

Most Reiner's are proud individuals with an underlying shifty “fake” quality to their personalities that becomes apparent on a first meeting.

They are usually very insecure people at the base: untrustworthy, hypocritical, and self-centered with a heavy “Control Freak” and “Sneaky” edge.
“Reiner is one vile, sneaky sack of shit. He slept with my sister while trying to bed my wife and daughter at the same time.”
by Ian De La Rosa October 13, 2013
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Before the Internet, there were the mythical Trolls of old who ate farmer’s goats.

After that, there were and are the semi-human versions of trolls that still exist today in all regions throughout the world.

Trolls can be divided into groups depending on where they live, such as Beach Trolls, Hill Trolls, City Trolls, Suburban Trolls, Valley Trolls and a couple other categories which take on unique characteristics depending on their surroundings.

All trolls are socially predatory creatures and when young are usually obsessed with their exterior appearances, while neglecting development of their blackening souls.

Their interior ugliness comes out as they age, and they, usually, let their outer appearances go to hell, so that they are easily recognizable. But, the young and middle-aged trolls will sometimes fool you with their charm.

All trolls are shysters and tight-fisted money grubbers who will screw you on any deal while making it out like you are the one coming out ahead. They will usually always greet you with a smile and a handshake. Sometimes, they will call you “brother” or “lady” to throw you off track.

All trolls are shit stirrers, lechers & trouble-makers. They would be the first to try and get your “significant other” in the sack, screw you out of some money or slander you.
Wow, Nicole just screwed me over. What an evil, old troll.
by Ian De La Rosa September 19, 2013
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A “Misery Chain” describes the "endless cycle" of bad parenting.

"Fucked up parents" create "fucked up kids" who grow up to have more fucked up kids of their own, which keeps the Misery Chain going on and on into the future.

"Misery Chains" are often created by selfish or stupid people with no insight or sense of ethics: playboys, players, skanks, sluts, floozies, druggies, crack heads, dark friends, beach trolls, hill trolls, city trolls and trolls in general.
Wow, she created one “misery chain” having all those “screwed-up” kids by a bunch of different “screwed-up” guys.
by Ian De La Rosa July 1, 2013
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A "Kick Boy" or "Kick Girl" is the company patsy who gets blamed for everything whether it is their fault or not.
This is a common reference for project managers who are responsible for a large staff.
Also known as the company "Toad" or "Patsy."
I just heard that Christine just got promoted to "Kick Boy."
by Ian De La Rosa June 8, 2013
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