17 definitions by I'mNotATerroristButIPlayOneOnTV!


n. A fortuitious or entertaining event.
Remember when I got drunk and convinced the Germans were after me, and you guys had to tie my legs up until I kept screaming for a medic? That was a GOODER!
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n. A pseudo-intellectual term for one who enjoys manly rape in the ass, either giving or receiving. Usually these types are in leather.
Stay away from Hans in the washroom, he's a crazy ass-fascist.
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n. An individual who possesses the qualities of both a spaz and a tard; one who overreacts in a moronic manner. Credit belongs to Canadian K. Fellows for coining the term in 2000.
Calm down, you f*cking spaztard!
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rectal rocketeer

n. Humorous insult, used to imply that the target is a homosexual, particularly one who dresses up in Spandex and rams a bottle of Tabasco-brand hot sauce into their rectum in the hopes that it will prolong their erection.
Go crack open another cold one, you prickfaced rectal rocketeer!
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raging erection

n. An massive erection produced by a state of extreme arousal; one which is extremely blatant to the point where, if not tearing completely through the pants and undergarments, is clearly defined against the fabric and impossible to conceal.
I got a raging erection when Katie bent over!
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n. Humorous term for semen, specifically that which is produced during homosexual copulation.

v. The act of manjaculation.
Jesus, dude! Mop the manjaculate out of your ass and STFU!
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An article of media or art which provides an absurdly-positive view of the home nation of its target audience, often to the point of complete irreconciliability with historical fact, or reality.
Did you see read that article in the Editorial section? Such patriotrash!
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