24 definitions by I got no pants

One who pirates poo; a captain of a poo-going vessel with a full poo crew.
Good sir, i believe you to be a poo pirate!
I say!
by I got no pants April 21, 2003
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The act of flicking paper cones into ceiling tiles.

See www.coneclub.com
See also walrus, cone
Shall we go coning?
We went to the office for coning the biology lab roof 9 times.
by I got no pants April 21, 2003
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A person who's genetic makeup contains the DNA of both a human and a beetle, causing them to mutate and be a general jackass
Go die you beetle-human hybrid. I hate you and so does everyone else in this room.
by I got no pants April 21, 2003
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A girl aged 9-19 that lacks intelligence and common sense. They giggle constantly and do really stupid things.

See also skate park ho
Lo! That girl is quite the gaphead, what with her "Angel" top and lowrider stretch pants. Let's stone her.
by I got no pants April 21, 2003
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A cone that has been successfully stuck into a roof.

See also coning
I walrused the roof at Super A's cereal aisle.
You've been walrused!
by I got no pants April 21, 2003
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A roll of flesh at the back of someone's brush cut.
His flesh mullet undulated as he spoke.
by I got no pants April 23, 2003
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A person of Chinese ancestry that hails from Hong Kong. Only hated by some other Chinese people, especially Vancouver area gangs and Jesse.
Get out of my store you damn honger!
by I got no pants April 21, 2003
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