173 definitions by Heather

the greatest sport ever invented by mankind! Basically it started with the ever cool people who like to, while snomobiling in the winters, skip over open water. It evolved into the ever popular sport it is today. Generally you take a snowmobile...put about 5 grand into it...perhaps more, maybe less, take off the seat, and put some rope and a bouy on it, and push the throttle! It started off with just drags. 3 people race at a time, they must stay in their lanes, between the bouys...and first one to pass the finish line wins (same as any other race dumasses!). Theres different heats and as u win, you keep progressing into the semi-finals and finally the final race. Many classes are involved, depending on what size motor ur sled has. Today racers race in drag classes, oval classes (where 3 racers race 3 times around a set of bouys), and the ever-infamous jump class. for more information go to www.iwausa.org
Cool Guy 1: "dude u goin to the watercross race next weekend??"

Cool Guy 2: "hell yea dude! Lotta racin, lotta drinkin, lotta partyin!"
by Heather March 25, 2004
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When a guy is doing a girl from behind, he spits on the girls back so she thinks he's done. When she turns around the guy blows his load in her face.
by Heather November 25, 2003
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a place properly labled as hick; surprisingly the home of a 24hr walmart, a wendy's, a bojangles- which is commonly refered to as Bo-han-glase by true taylorsvinians, and the home of Alexander Central high school - lovingly dubbed "the armpit" by rival schools
I know Taylorsville! Its the place between Charlotte or Statesville, kind of close to Hickory, and definately on that long Hwy 16 that starts after those cow pastures.
by Heather March 1, 2005
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Waking up with a hangover, or feeling like hell and looking it to. Also when you were subjected to ride a bus.
I raged all night and when I got up this morning I felt like a bus victim!
I was a bus victim today, when my car wouldnt start.
by Heather February 26, 2005
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A noncomformist is a person who thinks they are original, adn they thinks that they go against the grain, but they don't, because the new IN right now is going against the grain.

by Heather April 19, 2005
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To be patient, to hang on and wait
I don't care if you have been waiting all day. Just tie off, I will be there as soon as I can.
by Heather February 26, 2004
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