4 definitions by Gustave

The most rockinist ass groovinist band in the world. Songs of cars, sun, women and good times. Also once employed wordKyussword's drummer.
You see this van-a rockin' don't bother knockin'
by Gustave September 22, 2003
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Some who is in the act of being bland.
Gosh, I'm talking to emily and she is like so blandjular right now!
by Gustave June 20, 2005
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Cute, caring Person. Loves the people that are special to him. Works out from Monday’s to Fridays. He is in love with Gus.
David is the cutest human being.

He’s hot.
Gus loves David Mendez very much.
by Gustave May 17, 2019
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One of the most most amazing bands to come out of California's deserts. Combining simple riffs, groove laden guitars, powerful vocals, and a sometimes thumping, sometimes gentle rythym section. The bands members went on to join and form other bands (Queens of the Stone Age, Fu Manchu)
by Gustave September 22, 2003
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